
Seminar: Early Career Researchers in Oncology - funding opportunities

Date: Wednesday, May 7 2024, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Location: University Hospital of Cologne, Kerpenerstr. 62, 50937 Köln, CIO (building 70), seminar room 1

We are pleased to announce our first seminar as part of the joint curriculum of SFB 1530, MSSO ABCD and EKF Cologne.

This course will not only revolve around the possibilities of your career start in science, but will also go into detail on proposal writing.

Dr. Simona Walker (Research Funding Advisor, Dean's Office of the Faculty of Medicine) will first give a general overview of the funding landscape and, building on the subsequent talks, will go into more detail about the DFG Emmy Noether program and the Else Kröner Excellence Scholarships.

In this regard, Dr. Orsolya Leidecker (Institute for Genetics at the University of Cologne) will mainly talk about her successful application for the Emmy Noether Program.

Priv.-Doz. Dr. Paul Bröckelmann (Max Planck Institute for Biology of Aging) will predominantly talk about his successful application for the Else-Kröner Excellence Fellowship.

Both speakers are open to take questions regarding their career paths and their successful applications - we are looking forward to an engaging Q&A session!

We look forward to receiving registrations by 26 April 2024 via the following link: https://forms.gle/Jfm9NqNvivVsmEWC6.